object AdvertForm: TAdvertForm Left = 370 Top = 219 AutoScroll = False BorderIcons = [biMinimize, biMaximize] Caption = 'VicMan Software Products' ClientHeight = 403 ClientWidth = 417 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False OnClose = FormClose PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object ImPhEditor: TImage Left = 8 Top = 58 Width = 33 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = btPhEditorClick end object ImJpegEnh: TImage Left = 8 Top = 170 Width = 33 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Picture.Data = {} OnClick = btJpegEnhClick end object ImRedEye: TImage Left = 8 Top = 114 Width = 33 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Picture.Data = {} OnClick = btRedEyeClick end object ImLight: TImage Left = 8 Top = 226 Width = 33 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Picture.Data = {} OnClick = btLightClick end object ImCartoon: TImage Left = 8 Top = 282 Width = 33 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Picture.Data = {} OnClick = btCartoonClick end object TeLabel1: TTeLabel Left = 52 Top = 58 Width = 277 Height = 26 Performance = kspNoBuffer Caption = 'VCW VicMan'#39's Photo Editor is a free versatile image editor with ' + 'an intuitive interface.' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel2: TTeLabel Left = 52 Top = 114 Width = 279 Height = 39 Performance = kspNoBuffer Caption = 'Red Eye Remover is an easy to use program that is able to remove' + ' the red-eye effect from your images almost automatically.' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel3: TTeLabel Left = 52 Top = 170 Width = 291 Height = 26 Performance = kspNoBuffer Caption = 'Jpeg Enhancer is a program that lets you recover the images, rui' + 'ned by the JPEG compression.' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel5: TTeLabel Left = 52 Top = 226 Width = 284 Height = 26 Performance = kspNoBuffer Caption = 'Light Artist allows you to add realistic lighting effects and 3D' + ' relief to your photos.' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel6: TTeLabel Left = 52 Top = 282 Width = 281 Height = 39 Performance = kspNoBuffer Caption = 'Add a touch of humor to your photos with Cartoonist - a compact ' + 'graphics software program for transforming photos with special w' + 'arp effects.' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel4: TTeLabel Left = 0 Top = 16 Width = 409 Height = 17 Performance = kspNoBuffer Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'Check out other VicMan Software products for your digital photos' + '!' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object TeLabel7: TTeLabel Left = 16 Top = 364 Width = 265 Height = 34 Performance = kspNoBuffer AutoSize = False Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] Caption = 'This advertising will be removed in the registered version!' Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False ThemeObject = 'default' WordWrap = True end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 353 Width = 405 Height = 10 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] Shape = bsTopLine end object btExit: TTeButton Left = 333 Top = 364 Width = 75 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btExitClick Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Cancel = True Caption = 'Exit' Default = True FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end object btPhEditor: TTeButton Left = 358 Top = 58 Width = 50 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btPhEditorClick BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Caption = 'More...' FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 1 WordWrap = False end object btRedEye: TTeButton Left = 358 Top = 114 Width = 50 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btRedEyeClick BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Caption = 'More...' FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 2 WordWrap = False end object btJpegEnh: TTeButton Left = 358 Top = 170 Width = 50 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btJpegEnhClick BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Caption = 'More...' FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 3 WordWrap = False end object btLight: TTeButton Left = 358 Top = 226 Width = 50 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btLightClick BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Caption = 'More...' FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 4 WordWrap = False end object btCartoon: TTeButton Left = 358 Top = 282 Width = 50 Height = 25 Performance = kspDoubleBuffer OnClick = btCartoonClick BlackAndWhiteGlyph = False Caption = 'More...' FontOptions.Bold = False FontOptions.Italic = False FontOptions.SizeDelta = 0 FontOptions.FontColor = clNone FontOptions.StrikeOut = False FontOptions.Underline = False ThemeObject = 'default' TabOrder = 5 WordWrap = False end object smlFormLangRes1: TsmlFormLangRes LangFileName = 'DefLang.ini' IgnoreEmptyString = False AutoCreateMode = True AddBracket = False StringProperties.Strings = ( 'Caption') StringsProperties.Strings = ( 'Tabs' 'Items') IgnoreFormCaption = False IncludeListViewItems = False IncludeListViewHead = False IncludeTreeViewItems = False Active = True Left = 328 Top = 20 end object TeForm1: TTeForm Animation.EffectKind = '[ RANDOM ] - Random selection' BorderIcons = [kbiClose] BorderStyle = kbsDialog Dragging.Sizeable = False SystemMenuOptions.Animation.EffectKind = '[ RANDOM ] - Random selection' TrayMenuOptions.Animation.EffectKind = '[ RANDOM ] - Random selection' Performance = ksfpNoBuffer StayOnTop = False StretchBackground = False WindowState = kwsNormal ThemeObject = 'default' Left = 284 Top = 20 end object smlMsgLangRes1: TsmlMsgLangRes LangFileName = 'DefLang.ini' IgnoreEmptyString = False AutoCreateMode = True AddBracket = False MsgList.Strings = ( 'LabelPhEditor=VCW VicMan'#39's Photo Editor is a free versatile imag' + 'e editor with an intuitive interface.' 'LabelRedEye=Red Eye Remover is an easy to use program that is ab' + 'le to remove the red-eye effect from your images almost automati' + 'cally.' 'LabelJpeg =Jpeg Enhancer is a program that lets you recover the ' + 'images, ruined by the JPEG compression.' 'LabelLight=Light Artist allows you to add realistic lighting eff' + 'ects and 3D relief to your photos.' 'LabelCartoon=Add a touch of humor to your photos with Cartoonist' + ' - a compact graphics software program for transforming photos w' + 'ith special warp effects.') Active = False Left = 364 Top = 24 end end